23 September 2008

la vie en france

Bonjour encore!  Je suis content dire que tout va bien!
Hello again!  I am happy to say that everything is going well!

Life in France is proving to be very interesting!  Within the past two weeks, I've travelled to see castles, gone to a mushroom museum, visited vineyards, and much more!  Everything is so old here, it's completely amazing to see!  The castles are absolutely huge!  Many are built on hills overlooking valleys and river deltas, to provide that certain French grandeur.  Let me tell you that walking across a real medieval drawbridge, over a moat, is an incredible feeling.

My host family has been amazing!  Every weekend I have something to do, or they take me to visit the region!  It great because not only are they educating me in French culture, but their children as well.  When Marie comes home from school on the weekends she's very happy to be with us, and participate in all of the activities.  Guillaume always has something to say, and he's taught me a lot of vocabulary (especially when it comes to Badminton, which he loves to play).  Pierre-Louis is the quieter one, but he's very sympathetic (yay French!).  It's fun talking with him because he's very patient with my French.  Pauline is a typical little girl, who loves singing, dancing, and frolicking about.  Benoît, the baby of the family (literally), is funny funny in every way.  From his babble-French to the fact that he's in the question stage, he's adorable.  Lucie, my host mom, is very helpful, and is trying her best to help me integrate into a normal French life.  This includes signing me up for a Badminton club with Jean-François, as well as finding me a bicycle!  Jean-François works a lot during the week, but is very helpful when he's home and on the weekends.  Yesterday we had our first night of Badminton at a local middle school. It was really fun, but after I finished my last match I found him sitting on the side of the gym, with a medic and his ankle bound.  Right then I knew something was wrong; which was confirmed when I walked over.  After going to the emergency clinic that night, it turned out that he tore a ligament, and he had surgery today.  He's going to stay at the hospital for two more days, and then he will work from home for awhile until his injury has healed a little.

School is going really well!  I'm learning a lot of French, which is awesome because that's why I'm here!  Everyone has been incredibly nice, students and teachers.  Here is my school schedule:

8-10 AM: History & Geography
10 AM-12 PM: Phy. Ed
12-2 PM: Lunch (2 hours)
2-4 PM: Philosophy
5-6 PM: Supplementary History & Geography in English

8-9 AM: History & Geography
9-10 AM: Week A: Civic Education; Week B: Math
10 AM-12 PM: Philosophy
12-2 PM: Lunch (2 hours)
2-4 PM: Literature

Wednesday (half-day):
8-9 AM: History & Geography
9-10 AM: English
10 AM-12 PM: Philosophy

8-9 AM: Spanish
9-10 AM: English
10 AM-12 PM: Math
12-2 PM: Lunch (2 hours)
2-4 PM: Philosophy

9-11 AM: Literature
11 AM-12 PM: English
12 PM-2 PM: Lunch (2 hours)
2-3 PM: Spanish

Note: I won't be attending History & Geography until October, Philosophy until November, and Literature until December.  My school has arranged a gradual integration for me and the other exchange students.

Well!  It's getting late here so I should be on my way.  I have school tomorrow!

If anyone has any specific (or general) questions for me, please feel free to leave a comment!

À bientôt!


auntiebecky said...

so are the classes equivelent to the classes in the U.S.? do you miss any of your family? espically your auntie becky!! she misses you this is buck by the way. If you decide that you like it over there would you stay or revisit?Well runnin out of stuff to say and I have to go and finish siding uncle andy's house. Talk to ya later.

auntiebecky said...

dakin it is great to see all your pictures i'm glad that you are still keeping in touch with all of us. we miss you very much.i really liked the picture of the wine yard.i hope your trip is turning out to be all you wanted miss you and keep up the pitures for all of us. love you auntie becky

Anonymous said...

Im glad u made this blog!! I am happy to hear that your'e getting along well there!! WE miss u here. All the workers ask me how ur doing so now i can tell them cuz i finally got to talk to you! I hope you keep having as much fun as you are now :D have fun in school and take lots more pictures. Miss ya bud!

crisbaiz said...

Ok, we are waiting for October's posts. Hopefully, it will include pictures of the girl I've heard about. Bye the way Dakin, What is the weather like there? We miss youi very much. Love, Aunt Christine